HPU test® 24 hour urine


Purchase instructions
Tests are currently invoiced retrospectively after submission of the test.

Please note

  • When you request a test as a private person you are legally obliged to pay 21% VAT.
  • For all  tests, a fee of € 7.50 is charged for custom clearance and taxes.


Product description

You can order a test kit to measure the hemopyrrollactamcomplex  in 24 hour urine (HPU-test 24 hours urine). A 24 hour HPU-test is more accurate than a morning urine test, but we do not recommend a 24 hour test for both children and young adults up to 18 -20 years of age, unless they are chronically ill or need to visit the toilet at night time. A midstream morning urine test is sufficient in these cases.

The set includes a 3.2 litre brown collecting container with a preservative, an instruction and explanation leaflet, a urine collection tube, a transfer pipette and a laboratory request sheet. In the tube is a preservative that gives the urine sample a shelf live of at least 14 days at room temperature. For 7 days prior to the test you should not take vitamin B6, multivitamins, pyridoxal-5-phosphate or high dose of zinc (over 50 mg) supplements. After you have filled the collection tube with urine, you should send it back to the address indicated. Within two weeks, you will be informed whether hemopyrrollactam is found in your urine and in what quantity.

The original HPU-test, indicated by the registered mark HPU-test® or HPU-test keac® for a 24 hour urine costs € 76,57. If you do not indicate a medical doctor, GP or naturopathic on the application form, you will need to pay 21% VAT in addition, inwhich case the test costs € 92,65. For all  tests, a fee of € 7.50 is charged for custom clearance and taxes.

Please note:

With extended use of vitamin B6 or pyridoxal-5-phosphate of 50 mg or more per day, the test will be false-negative. Even if you have avoided these for several days, the value should be corrected for the amount of vitamin B6 used.

You should not collect the urine after a long period of rest (e.g. a holiday).

You should not collect the urine during or soon after a course of antibiotics.

You should not collect the urine just after your menstruation; wait at least 4 days.

Please do not drink alcohol the day before you start collecting and, on the day of collection, do not drink more than 1500 ml of fluids.

Do not carry out the test shortly after an intravenous iron-drip. The test will be negative.

If the container is not large enough to collect all of your 24 hour urine, you shoud use another clean contianer e.g a bucket. Pour the total contents of the brown collection bottle into the bucket when the container is nearly full. You can then use the brown container to determine the total final volume.

Additional information

Type of application

Private order, Via doctor, medical specialist or hospital laboratory